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Chess Lessons

Լավագույն քայլը | Найти ход ГМ | Արագ մատ | Мат в 1 ход | Мат в 2 хода | Мат в 3 хода | Мат в 4 хода | Мат в 271 ходов | Կատարեք ոչ-ոքի | Указать результат

Double attack | Double check | Pin | Skewers | Fork | Knight Fork | Luring-Decoy | Clearance | Discovery | Discovered attack | Diversion | Eliminating the defence | Perpetual Check | Stalemate | Queen sacrifice | Sacrifice | Attack Castle | Attack on the king | Mating with queen | Zugzwang | King and pawn ending | Pawn ending | Eighth-back Rank | Rook endgame | Endgame strategy | Passing Pawn | Mixed

Opening | Middlegame | Endgame

Dear Chess player,

We regret to inform that we have decided to reschedule the Chess-to-remember tournament initially set for December 3, 2023.
The goal of the tournament is to raise awareness about past genocides, war crimes and crimes against humanity, thus, prevent future occurrences. Current horrifying events around the globe, including ethnic cleansing in Artsakh, indicate that we collectively have failed this mission. We have decided to postpone and reschedule the tournament to next year as currently unfolding events require rather active form of protests and chess tournament is falling short to the urgency of the situation.
The new date of the Chess-to-Remember tournament will be announced later on our and CFC website.

We would like to thank you for supporting the cause and your interest in participating in the Chess-to-Remember.

Featured tournaments

Genocide Awareness Chess Tournament 2023  

Genocide Awareness Chess Tournament 2023

Toronto, Canada

List of participants | Registration is Closed

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Armenian Genocide Memorial Chess Tournament 2019  

Armenian Genocide Memorial Chess Tournament 2019

Toronto, Canada

List of participants | Registration is Closed

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Our Arbiters:

  Zeromskis Egidijus

Our Volunteers:

  Araskhanyan Ester
  Barsamyan Davit
  Doghramajian Palig
  Ettibaryan Aram
  Ettibaryan Levon
  Gashgarian Rob
  Grigoryan Anahit
  Hacherian Arto
  Hacherian Siran
  Hallajian Aram
  Keskinian Ari
  Khancharyan Karen
  Magarian Vahe
  Nishan Papazian
  Sassoun Margarosyan
  Shanoian Ara
  Tatikian Garni
  Tonakanian Stephan

 Our Sponsors and Partners :

 Gem Lab, Shant Purutoglu  PolyBeer  Royal Auto TIRECRAFT   Anna Makaryan  Hayastan All Armenian Fund 
  Aren, Karine and Movses Mermer
  Arto & Siranus Hacherian
  Vahan Tchalikian
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